Having lost our insurance and then applied for Medicaid for the kids (Gasp! Horror of all horrors!) I've been keeping tabs for the last six plus months on when that first trip to the new doctor would be. . The doctor, who probably in reality is a perfectly competent person with a lot of letters after their name and an exceedingly packed waiting room, has much to my delight not been visited by any of our offspring as of yet (!). If you knew my children's medical history, this point alone would be worthy of double backhand springs and flaming sparklers being waved all over the neighborhood into the wee hours of the morning. My children have never, ever, ever, ever enjoyed such health. And yes, they did both get the swine flu back in the fall, and we were very fortunately able to get the necessary meds and treatment from our old doctor - but I'd say overall for going on 7 months here and having only contracted a single illness that necessitated a doctor's visit: I am delightedly bewildered, and I'm attributing it to our new quite nearly gluten free diet. It's insane what a little non-processed food can d
Little Jimmy is a little ham. Never shy and always having some unintentionally hysterical comment to make, he makes our days a lot more comical. And while he does have a great sense of humor (whether or not he knows it) he's also a little smarty. He actually can really read to his sister now with enough speed that she doesn't lose interest and leave the room mid-sentence. He's going to start soccer in a couple weeks so that should keep us all busy with some happy family time, and it should do wonders for his excess energy that usually manifests itself in the form of his chasing Kyla at break neck speeds around the couch whilst pushing a doll stroller or miniature vacuum.
Kyla is our midget Mommy. I truly believe she has way more maternal instinct than I do despite the 27 year age gap between us. She can usually be wholly entertained simply with caring for all eight of her babies - t
Jim has been staying busy helping friends and family, and they in turn have been helping us. I don't know what it is about 'unemployment' or how in the world this happens, but I know it's a real phenomena that actually does happen to others aside from just us, but (brace) we're madly in love. Call it TMI if you will - which it is, but in the interest of presenting a more balanced perspective, it's out there. I have a feeling it may have something to do with totally losing all security and fallback, but with that also losing all the need to be uber responsible and to save or prepare for a rainy day; the rainy day is here and it's raining hard so I've totally shut off the hyper-preparedness section of my brain. 'It' (for lack of a better word and so as to not further gross-out any unsuspecting readers) may also have something to do with the fact that Jim's around a lot more; he helps me get things ready for the day, and he's pretty much never late getting home (and that's HAWT!). Top that off with a huge lack of 'work stress' and you've got a recipe for a happy marriage.
And just to add the icing to this blog that already poops rainbows and sends jets of sparkles through the air behind little shooting stars, it's almost springtime! Do you have any clue at all, whatsoever as to just how beautiful Ocala is in the spring? Le'me just tell you. It's GORGEOUS. Picture the forest in Bambi in the springtime - that's Ocala (alright, it has a few more trees than Ocala). You pretty much can't go anywhere without seeing the brand newest little baby foals and calves and colts EVERYwhere. It is breathtaking. Do you know what the cutest farm animal on the planet is? You'll never guess it - it's a bebe donkey. They are THE darlingest, most awkward, fluffy little balls of adorableness you'll ever lay eyes on. And as for scenery in general, all these fields that are usually entirely unremarkable turn a vibrant purplish-pink in the spring. Now top that, peeps! It's like all of Ocala's nature sings the Hallelujah Chorus perfectly with volume all the way up.
So the whole job search thing feels like it's totally in the dumper. We keep trying, but it's just not happening. Fortunately for us, a LOT of other things are happening. There's a lot in life that's not fair and is terrible and horrible, but there still is a lot of beauty and joy in life too. I know I do a lot of crabbing and whining and venting on this blog, so a post like this is sort of a rare jewel. Consider this one a gift - maybe like a little prozac from me to you. XOXO and lots of sprinkles and shimmery hearts for you today!